
Jeff and Danette Johnson

International Directors

Jeff and Danette Johnson have been involved with mission work since 2000.  They have been trained and ordained by Iris Ministries and have spent the majority of their years in ministry with work in Zambia, Africa, working with widows, orphans and youth touched by the AIDS crisis.  They have ministered and worked with hundreds of teams and interns both in Africa and in the States.  Jeff Johnson, M.S., was originally Director of Community Health World Wide with World Hope International and dealt extensively with the issues of HIV/AIDS in Africa. He has coordinated many efforts to diminish poverty and AIDS and has ministered to both Africans and Americans, in the areas of health and spiritual guidance. Jeff’s two passions are to reach the lost and impoverished and see people walking in the fullness of the Gospel message.

Danette Johnson has worked closely alongside her husband to minister to the widow and orphan. She travels to Zambia and other countries training indigenous pastors and lay leaders the curriculum How to Love a Grieving Child, the core training program of Hope for Grieving Children – Africa. She has had extensive training through various ministries in the areas of healing, emotional healing and deliverance. She has ministered to Africans and Americans in all these areas. Her passion is to see the Church trained and equipped to reach the hurting and oppressed and has developed a missions training manual and seminar being used for mission teams and interns.